
Cuba and human rights

The US organization Human Rights Watch recently published a new report, called "New Castro, same Cuba", about human rights in Cuba.

According to the report 40 people have been jailed because they are a "danger to the state" since Raul Castro reign the caribbean state. Additionally, 53 dissident prisoners, arrested when Fidel Castro ruled Cuba, are still in jail.
José Miguel Vivanco, Americas director at Human Rights Watch, stated that "Cubans who dare to criticize the government live in perpetual fear, knowing they could wind up in prison for merely expressing their views." Unfortunately it is common practice to punish or attack political protestants in Cuba. Yoanni Sanchez, a dissident cuban blogger running the blog Generation Y, said she have been picked up last week and beaten for about half an hour before being released.
Beside the still lasting US embargo on Cuban goods, there is no international pressure on the Cuban government forcing a living democracy and changes in the human right situation.

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